Friday, May 6, 2016

Leucorrhoea - White discharge

Leucorrhoea is commonly known as “white discharge.” Ayurveda refers leucorrhoea to Shwetapradara. This word means excessive white discharge. It is believed to be caused by aggravation or vitiation of kapha dosha. This commonly occurs in patients who are weak, emaciated, and anaemic. Most women experience a certain amount of vaginal secretion, which is the body’s natural way of cleansing, lubrication, and guarding the vagina against infections. 
Causes of Leucorrhea
  1. Hormonal disturbances
  2. Indigestion
  3. Constipation
  4. Improper hygiene
  5. Diseases like Diabetes, Anemia
  6. Local injury
Symptoms of Leucorrhea
  1. Thick, yellowish white discharge
  2. Weakness
  3. Pain in low back or thigh region
  4. Headache
  5. Constipation
 Ayurvedic Home remedies for white discharge: 
1.   With Rice :Boil three tablespoon of rice in three cups of water in a pan. Remove the rice to get water after straining. Add one teaspoon of sugar and few cumin seeds to it and drink when it's lukewarm twice a day. Do this for a month.
2.     Lady s finger (Okra): Lady’s finger has various useful minerals which are beneficial in Leucorrhoea. Take about 100 gm of lady s finger and add a liter of water to it. Boil this for at least 20 minutes to make an infusion. After it cools, sweeten the drink and take it daily as frequently as possible, till the symptoms are gone. And also empty stomach eat daily  2 or 3 Lady’s fingers and drink water.
3.      Banana :Eating ripe or over ripe banana is very beneficial in treatment of Leucorrhoea. Take one Banana and add some clarified butter (ghee) to it. Take at least twice daily for beneficial results . Do this for 10- 15 days. Early morning if taken in empty stomach, instant benefit can be observed.
4.   Amalaki powder(AMLA Powder): Take some amalaki powder and add honey or sugar. Add it to a glass of water and drink. It can also be added to milk or made in to a paste and applied over the vaginal tract for better results.
5.   Turmeric powder and garlic: Mix turmeric powder with garlic and eat. This is very effective in condition where the white discharge is dense and itchy. 
6.    Cumin seeds: Grind some cumin seeds and mix it with honey and apply over the vaginal area. A concoction made of cumin seeds is very effective in treating leucorrhoea.
           Take 1 teaspoon of coriander seeds, soak it in a glass of water overnight and drink it in the morning. Continue this for a week.
Diet & Lifestyle Advice
  • Avoid heavy, oily, fried, spicy, and sour foods.
  • Tea, coffee, alcohol, aerated drinks and non-vegetarian food should also be avoided.
  • Chewing betel nuts after meals is very helpful.
  • Increase intake of fruits, vegetables, and salads.
  • Increase liquids in the diet, such as water, soup, milk and juice. These help to flush out the toxins.
  • Maintain proper hygiene. Wash undergarments with an antibiotic solution, and let them dry under the sun.
  • Do not watch or read anything that could be sexually stimulating.

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