Friday, May 6, 2016

Leucorrhoea - White discharge

Leucorrhoea is commonly known as “white discharge.” Ayurveda refers leucorrhoea to Shwetapradara. This word means excessive white discharge. It is believed to be caused by aggravation or vitiation of kapha dosha. This commonly occurs in patients who are weak, emaciated, and anaemic. Most women experience a certain amount of vaginal secretion, which is the body’s natural way of cleansing, lubrication, and guarding the vagina against infections. 
Causes of Leucorrhea
  1. Hormonal disturbances
  2. Indigestion
  3. Constipation
  4. Improper hygiene
  5. Diseases like Diabetes, Anemia
  6. Local injury
Symptoms of Leucorrhea
  1. Thick, yellowish white discharge
  2. Weakness
  3. Pain in low back or thigh region
  4. Headache
  5. Constipation
 Ayurvedic Home remedies for white discharge: 
1.   With Rice :Boil three tablespoon of rice in three cups of water in a pan. Remove the rice to get water after straining. Add one teaspoon of sugar and few cumin seeds to it and drink when it's lukewarm twice a day. Do this for a month.
2.     Lady s finger (Okra): Lady’s finger has various useful minerals which are beneficial in Leucorrhoea. Take about 100 gm of lady s finger and add a liter of water to it. Boil this for at least 20 minutes to make an infusion. After it cools, sweeten the drink and take it daily as frequently as possible, till the symptoms are gone. And also empty stomach eat daily  2 or 3 Lady’s fingers and drink water.
3.      Banana :Eating ripe or over ripe banana is very beneficial in treatment of Leucorrhoea. Take one Banana and add some clarified butter (ghee) to it. Take at least twice daily for beneficial results . Do this for 10- 15 days. Early morning if taken in empty stomach, instant benefit can be observed.
4.   Amalaki powder(AMLA Powder): Take some amalaki powder and add honey or sugar. Add it to a glass of water and drink. It can also be added to milk or made in to a paste and applied over the vaginal tract for better results.
5.   Turmeric powder and garlic: Mix turmeric powder with garlic and eat. This is very effective in condition where the white discharge is dense and itchy. 
6.    Cumin seeds: Grind some cumin seeds and mix it with honey and apply over the vaginal area. A concoction made of cumin seeds is very effective in treating leucorrhoea.
           Take 1 teaspoon of coriander seeds, soak it in a glass of water overnight and drink it in the morning. Continue this for a week.
Diet & Lifestyle Advice
  • Avoid heavy, oily, fried, spicy, and sour foods.
  • Tea, coffee, alcohol, aerated drinks and non-vegetarian food should also be avoided.
  • Chewing betel nuts after meals is very helpful.
  • Increase intake of fruits, vegetables, and salads.
  • Increase liquids in the diet, such as water, soup, milk and juice. These help to flush out the toxins.
  • Maintain proper hygiene. Wash undergarments with an antibiotic solution, and let them dry under the sun.
  • Do not watch or read anything that could be sexually stimulating.

Thursday, April 21, 2016

Natural Ayurveda Home Remedies for Headache .

Headache refers to any pain or discomfort in and around the head and neck.
Headache is among the most common medical complaints. The majority of them are not life threatening. They can be classified into three main categories, namely:

• Tension headaches

• Migraine headache

• Cluster headaches
Tension Headaches are the most common type of headaches. Migraines have well-defined attacks with symptoms like nausea, vomiting, sensitivity to lights and sounds. Cluster headaches are repetitive ones that occur for weeks to months at a time, followed by periods of remission.

Common Causes of Headache
A variety of factors can trigger headaches-

·          Prolonged stress or tension. 
·          Several physiologic changes in the head and brain.
·          Dilation and constriction of blood vessels..
·          Abnormal activity of certain neurons.
·          Genetic factors may be a cause for migraines.
·          Smoking and alcohol may cause cluster headache

The other causes of headache include:

   o Stress

   o Lack of sleep

   o Physical exhaustion
Home Remedies for Headache:

Using green tea and lemon:

 Take 1 cup warm water. Add a green tea bag. Squeeze ½ a lemon. Mix well and drink for instant relief.

Using lemon rind:

Separate the rind (outer covering) of 2-3 lemons. Chop and crush the lemon rind to make a paste. Apply on the forehead for quick relief.

Using caraway seeds:

Roast some caraway seeds dry. Tie in a soft handkerchief or muslin cloth and sniff to get a relief from headaches.

Using cinnamon powder:
Add 2 teaspoons of powdered cinnamon to 1 ½ cup of milk and boil it for one or two minutes. Add a teaspoon of honey, mix and stir it thoroughly and drink it at least twice a day when suffering from a headache.

Using watermelon and sugar:

 Take 1 glass of watermelon juice. Mix 1 tsp sugar in it. This relieves headaches caused by heat.

Using Basil(Tulasi):

Basil is a strong-scented herb used for natural headache treatment. The oil works as a muscle relaxant and is helpful for headaches caused by tension and tight muscles.
Using Chopped Apple:
Eating a chopped apple sprinkled with salt every morning for at least a week will help cure chronic headaches.

Using Rosemary Oil:
Head massage with rosemary oil or a pain balm that contains menthol is an effective way to ease migraine pain.

Using Pepper:
Make a warm soup and add some pepper in it. Warm soup will help you to get rid of nasal blockage and will cure headaches.
Using Ginger Oil:

Ginger has anti-inflammatory properties and can be used to treat headaches. Add tea leaves and ginger to 1 cup of boiling water. Stir it well and drain the water. Leave till it cools a bit and drink.

 And  Physical activity like exercising and daily walk can help prevent headaches during pregnancy.  

Eat small regular meals and make sure that you are eating healthy organic food throughout the day. This will keep your blood sugar on an even level, which can prevent headaches.




Thursday, April 14, 2016

Home remedy for stomach ulcer

Stomach ulcers, also known as peptic or gastric ulcers, are open sores in the lining of the stomach. Because of the amount of acid present in the stomach, when ulcers occur, they are often extremely painful

The Root Causes of Ulcers:
The following general types of imbalances are at the source of most chronic conditions, including ulcers:
  1. Toxins accumulating in tissues and blocking circulation.
  2. Poor nutrition.
  3. Poor digestion.
  4. Imbalance of the nervous system.
  5. Accumulation of physical and mental stress.
  6. Lowering of natural resistance and immunity.
  7. Disruption of natural biological rhythms.

Cumin for UlcerCumin seeds have a natural ability to help in stimulation and release of vital enzymes in the body, especially in the pancreas. Synthesis of these enzymes is extremely important for the digestion and control of acidity. These enzymes also turn out to be very helpful in the concentration of vital nutrients.
Jeera (Cumin Seeds)is a very effective medicine for the endocrine system. It can cure ulcers and also a preventive for Cancer.

1.      Take half spoon Jeera (Cumin Seeds)powder and half spoon Butter and make a small ball of it. Consume that on empty stomach and you will find good results.
2.      An alternate method would be to boil some water along with some butter, add cumin seeds powder to it and let it cool down. drink that mixture on empty stomach.
3.      If you feel the troubles of acidity, stomach pain, and other symptoms of stomach disorder, then you just need to chew a pinch-full of raw cumin seed

This can have the goodness of cumin seeds for acid reflux, and the advantages can be very positive indeed.


Friday, March 18, 2016

Insomnia causes and home remedies

Sleep is a natural phenomenon of giving adequate rest to the body and mind. Insomnia is the inability to fall asleep at night for many hours or inability to have a sound sleep, which deprives one of natural rest and interferes with activities during the day.
Insomnia Causes
·              An improper diet and lifestyle causes aggravation of Vata (Ayurvedic humor representing Air) that travels through the channels of the head causing sleeplessness.
·              Vata is aggravated by increased intake of tea and coffee, especially, before going to bed; long gaps between meals; and intake of cold and dry food, cabbage, lettuce, beans, cauliflower, broccoli, peas, rice, and smoked foods.
·              Suppressed emotions, disturbed sleeping patterns, worries, anger, overwork, overexcitement, and ill health may be other responsible factors.
Insomnia Symptoms
·        Waking up during the night
·        Waking up too early
·        Day time irritability
·        Day time fatigue and sleepiness
·        Difficulty falling asleep at night
Insomnia Diet and Lifestyle Advice
·        Have fresh fruits, avocado, pasta, rice, dairy products, and sweet foods.
·        Include nuts like almonds, walnuts, sesame seeds, pumpkin seeds, and peanuts in your daily diet.
·        Have salads with a dressing of cream, yogurt, or vegetable oils.
·        Use whole-wheat flour and brown rice instead of refined varieties.
·        Increase use of butter or purified butter in foods.
·        Avoid caffeinated drinks, alcohol, and aerated drinks after dusk.
·        Avoid watching television or working on the computer late at night.
·        Have a body massage with sesame oil, followed by a bath.
Insomnia  Medication and Home Remedies:
Aswagandha: (Withania somnifera, known commonly as ashwagandha, Indian ginseng, poison gooseberry, or winter cherry).Ashwagandha, an exotic Indian herb, has remarkable stress-relieving properties This is an overall tonic for greater vitality and longevity. It enhances coordination between the mind and senses which, according to Ayurveda, is essential for good sleep. The recommended dose is half teaspoonful of powder taken at night along with sugar+ ghee or warm milk.
Cardamom Powder: Have a glass of whole milk (without the cream removed) with green cardamom powder before going to bed.
Mint Leaaves: Boil 3 grams of fresh mint leaves or 1.5 grams of dried powder of mint leaves in 1 cup of water for 15-20 minutes. Take lukewarm with 1 teaspoon of honey at bedtime.
Banana: Sprinkle 1 teaspoon of cumin on a sliced banana. Eat at night regularly.

Tuesday, March 1, 2016

Fenugreek to prevent Dandruff Naturally

 Dandruff is a common chronic scalp condition marked by itching and flaking of the skin on your scalp. It is the shedding of dead skin cells from the scalp. It is mainly caused by the yeast like fungus known as malassezia which goes wild on your scalp.
 Fenugreek seeds have antibacterial and anti fungal quality which cures dandruff very effectively. Fenugreek is so good for our hair and skin is because it has a compound with oestrogen-like properties called trigonelline diosgenin . It is also rich in proteins, vitamin C, iron, fibre, etc.

We have many natural hair treatments for dandruff.

   Here’s how to use Fenugreek to prevent and eliminate Dandruff  

  1. Soak some fenugreek seeds in water overnight. Grind them into smooth paste. Apply the paste on your scalp and wait for an hour. Then wash your hair with a mild shampoo or shikakai.. Practice this method at least once in a week.

2. Take a bunch of Fenugreek leaves and make paste. Heat mustard oil with a few leaves of henna in it. Then strain it.Once it cools down, add the methi paste to the oil and apply on the scalp. Keep it for half-an-hour before washing your hair.
3.Soak a cup of  fenugreek seeds over night. Take the fenugreek seeds in the mixer and make it as fine smooth paste. Now take the fenugreek paste in bowl. Add the 1 tbsp of lemon juice to the paste. Mix both of them well and apply this mix all over hair scalp. This is the old grandma tip for the dandruff removing.

Try to use above home and natural remedies to get rid of dandruff.

Friday, January 22, 2016

Fenugreek to reduce Blood Sugar Levels

 What is Fenugreek?

Fenugreek (also known as Greek Hay), is an herb that is commonly found growing in the Mediterranean region of the world. While the seeds and leaves are primarily used as a culinary spice, it is also used to treat a variety of health problems in Egypt, Greece, Italy, and South Asia.
What are the Benefits of Fenugreek?
Fenugreek has been used to treat arthritis, asthma, bronchitis, improve digestion, maintain a healthy metabolism, increase libido and male potency, cure skin problems (wounds, rashes and boils), treat sore throat, and cure acid reflux.
Fenugreek also has a long history of use for the treatment of reproductive disorders, to induce labor, to treat hormonal disorders, to help with breast enlargement, and to reduce menstrual pain.
Recent studies have shown that Fenugreek helps lower blood glucose and cholesterol levels, and may be an effective treatment for both type 1 and 2 diabetes. It is also being studied for its cardiovascular benefits.
How does it affect diabetes?

Fenugreek seeds (trigonella foenum graecum) are high in soluble fiber, which helps lower blood sugar by slowing down digestion and absorption of carbohydrates. This suggests they may be effective in treating people with diabetes.

Of these, several clinical trials showed that fenugreek seeds can improve most metabolic symptoms associated with both type 1 and type 2 diabetes in humans by lowering blood glucose levels and improving glucose tolerance.

In another controlled trial, incorporating 15 grams of powdered fenugreek seed into a meal eaten by people with type 2 diabetes reduced the rise in post-meal blood glucose, while a separate study found that taking 2.5 grams of fenugreek twice a day for three months lowered blood sugar levels in people with mild, but not severe, type 2 diabetes.

How to use Fenugreek?

  • ·         Dry roast fenugreek seeds by placing them in a large skillet and heating on medium-high heat for one to two minutes, stirring frequently. Add 1 to 2 tablespoons of the roasted seeds to any meal.

  • ·         Take 2 tablespoons of dried fenugreek leaves or seeds in 1 cup of water and boil for 10 minutes. Strain the liquid and drink the resulting tea twice per day to help lower blood glucose levels.

  • ·         Take 10 grams of fenugreek seeds.  Soak them in 250 ml water overnight. Crush them in the morning . Strain the mixture and collect the water. Drink it every day for 2 months.

  • ·         Fenugreek seeds are very versatile. They can be eaten as seeds, brewed into a tea, made into flour and baked into bread, or pressed into oil. Eating seeds or using fenugreek flour is the most effective form of fenugreek for blood sugar control. An oral dose of 2-5g of fenugreek seeds can help blood glucose levels for diabetics.
Where can I buy it?

Fenugreek leaves (methi) and seeds can be found in most Asian food stores, while herbal supplements containing fenugreek seed powder and/or fenugreek seed extract in capsule form are available through most health food companies.


Before using fenugreek to treat your diabetes, consult your GP and diabetes healthcare team to ensure it is safe. As with other blood sugar-reducing herbs, there is the risk that fenugreek may cause your blood sugars to go too low (hypoglycemia) when taken alongside prescribed diabetes drugs. As a result, the dose of your anti-diabetic medication might need to be changed.


Friday, January 8, 2016

Home Remedies for Anemia

What is Anemia?

Anemia is a condition in which the blood is deficient in the body. This deficiency of blood is caused due to the deficiency of iron which is an essential component of the protein complex, hemoglobin, present in the blood. In anemic persons, the count of hemoglobin in the blood goes down.


1. Bleeding due to any wounds in the body

2. Diet with less iron intake (too much tea or coffee)

3. Rapid blood cell disintegration in the body

4. Anything that speeds up the spleen to much: leading a fast lifestyle, eating fast, watching tv while eating, reading the newspaper, talking on the phone…

5. Disorders in certain organs (stomach, liver, bone marrow, spleen…) could hamper blood cell production and cause anemia


Home Remedies to reduce Anemia:

1.   Pomegranate for Anemia

Pomegranate can be called a super fruit because it has too many beneficial components within it. It has protein, carbohydrate, fat, fiber and sugars too. More importantly, it has iron and calcium. It is enriched as well as minerals like potassium and copper other than a host of vitamins. It excellently increases hemoglobin in your blood and supports healthy blood flow. You will feel lesser exhaustion, dizziness, weakness that are typical symptoms of anemia.
Ways to have pomegranate for anemia

  1. Have a medium sized pomegranate (about 200 g) every morning on an empty stomach.
  2. Have a glass of pomegranate juice everyday with your breakfast.

2.   Dates Remedy for Anemia

Delicious palm tree fruits, dates, are a rich source of iron. Per 100 g of dates contain 0.90 mg of iron. Therefore it makes a good remedy for anemia as it helps increase hemoglobin in your blood. Dates are also rich in such minerals as calcium, manganese, copper, and magnesium. Copper particularly is required for the production of red blood cells. So have dates daily to treat your anemia.

Ways to have dates for anemia

  1. Soak 2 dry dates in a cup of milk overnight. Eat the dates in the morning on an empty stomach. Do not discard the milk, drink this as well.
  2. If you do not want to soak dates, have a handful of them on an empty stomach in the morning after which drink a cup of milk to remain energetic throughout the day.
  3. You may also soak 1-2 dates in a cup of warm water for 2-3 hours. Drink this water once it cools down. This is specially good for people who are lactose intolerant and cannot have milk or milk products.

3.Tomatoes to Cure Anemia

Just having more iron is not sufficient. You should be able to absorb that iron too. For this, among other foods, you can have tomatoes for best results. Tomatoes are rich sources of Vitamin C and lycopene. Vitamin C is needed by your body to absorb iron.

Ways to have tomatoes for anemia

  1. Eat 1-2 raw tomatoes everyday. You can include them in your salad, sandwiches etc. or just eat them separately.
  2. Drink a glass of tomato juice everyday.
  3. Add tomatoes while making your dishes.

4.Raisins Remedy to Treat Anemia 


Raisins are an excellent source of various nutrients including calcium, potassium, sodium, protein, fiber and iron. A 100 g of these dried grapes can provide you with 1.88 mg iron. Many traditional medicines use raisins to treat anemia. You too can have them.

  • Soak raisins in water overnight.
  • In the morning, have them along with honey.
  • Honey, also rich in iron, doubles up the amount of the nutrient you get.