Friday, March 18, 2016

Insomnia causes and home remedies

Sleep is a natural phenomenon of giving adequate rest to the body and mind. Insomnia is the inability to fall asleep at night for many hours or inability to have a sound sleep, which deprives one of natural rest and interferes with activities during the day.
Insomnia Causes
·              An improper diet and lifestyle causes aggravation of Vata (Ayurvedic humor representing Air) that travels through the channels of the head causing sleeplessness.
·              Vata is aggravated by increased intake of tea and coffee, especially, before going to bed; long gaps between meals; and intake of cold and dry food, cabbage, lettuce, beans, cauliflower, broccoli, peas, rice, and smoked foods.
·              Suppressed emotions, disturbed sleeping patterns, worries, anger, overwork, overexcitement, and ill health may be other responsible factors.
Insomnia Symptoms
·        Waking up during the night
·        Waking up too early
·        Day time irritability
·        Day time fatigue and sleepiness
·        Difficulty falling asleep at night
Insomnia Diet and Lifestyle Advice
·        Have fresh fruits, avocado, pasta, rice, dairy products, and sweet foods.
·        Include nuts like almonds, walnuts, sesame seeds, pumpkin seeds, and peanuts in your daily diet.
·        Have salads with a dressing of cream, yogurt, or vegetable oils.
·        Use whole-wheat flour and brown rice instead of refined varieties.
·        Increase use of butter or purified butter in foods.
·        Avoid caffeinated drinks, alcohol, and aerated drinks after dusk.
·        Avoid watching television or working on the computer late at night.
·        Have a body massage with sesame oil, followed by a bath.
Insomnia  Medication and Home Remedies:
Aswagandha: (Withania somnifera, known commonly as ashwagandha, Indian ginseng, poison gooseberry, or winter cherry).Ashwagandha, an exotic Indian herb, has remarkable stress-relieving properties This is an overall tonic for greater vitality and longevity. It enhances coordination between the mind and senses which, according to Ayurveda, is essential for good sleep. The recommended dose is half teaspoonful of powder taken at night along with sugar+ ghee or warm milk.
Cardamom Powder: Have a glass of whole milk (without the cream removed) with green cardamom powder before going to bed.
Mint Leaaves: Boil 3 grams of fresh mint leaves or 1.5 grams of dried powder of mint leaves in 1 cup of water for 15-20 minutes. Take lukewarm with 1 teaspoon of honey at bedtime.
Banana: Sprinkle 1 teaspoon of cumin on a sliced banana. Eat at night regularly.

Tuesday, March 1, 2016

Fenugreek to prevent Dandruff Naturally

 Dandruff is a common chronic scalp condition marked by itching and flaking of the skin on your scalp. It is the shedding of dead skin cells from the scalp. It is mainly caused by the yeast like fungus known as malassezia which goes wild on your scalp.
 Fenugreek seeds have antibacterial and anti fungal quality which cures dandruff very effectively. Fenugreek is so good for our hair and skin is because it has a compound with oestrogen-like properties called trigonelline diosgenin . It is also rich in proteins, vitamin C, iron, fibre, etc.

We have many natural hair treatments for dandruff.

   Here’s how to use Fenugreek to prevent and eliminate Dandruff  

  1. Soak some fenugreek seeds in water overnight. Grind them into smooth paste. Apply the paste on your scalp and wait for an hour. Then wash your hair with a mild shampoo or shikakai.. Practice this method at least once in a week.

2. Take a bunch of Fenugreek leaves and make paste. Heat mustard oil with a few leaves of henna in it. Then strain it.Once it cools down, add the methi paste to the oil and apply on the scalp. Keep it for half-an-hour before washing your hair.
3.Soak a cup of  fenugreek seeds over night. Take the fenugreek seeds in the mixer and make it as fine smooth paste. Now take the fenugreek paste in bowl. Add the 1 tbsp of lemon juice to the paste. Mix both of them well and apply this mix all over hair scalp. This is the old grandma tip for the dandruff removing.

Try to use above home and natural remedies to get rid of dandruff.